Sales team optimization is a challenging task that Alice performs automatically by closely evaluating the opportunities, processes and people within the dealership.
Monitoring the fully functioning and efficient use of all 3 factors above in unison is the byproduct of a high performing sales team and is the reason why you are closing more deals than ever before.
The sales process must be strictly enforced to ensure that the salespeople and automations are working symbiotically to make your potential customers perceive your dealership is a professional company which employs salespeople who really cares about their business and can help them solve their problems.
As optimizations involve constantly reassessing both targets and techniques, data is our most valuable asset and will aid in maintaining steady growth. Our advanced big data technology tracks, tags and determines successful interactions based on how your sales team interacts with the software.
Results are available in insightful performance & efficiency reports so that management can confidently make decisions to conduct training that will drive better results month in and out.
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