solutions made for

BDC Departments

Earn better results easier with predictability

solutions made for

BDC Departments

Earn better results easier with predictability

BDC Departments

Problems Faced:

My Closing Rate is Low

Expenses Are Too Much​

Employees Not Doing Their Job

Salespeople Turnover Is Too High

Not Enough Returning Customers

Marketing Is Not Converting

My Closing Rate is Low

Expenses Are Too Much​

Employees Not Doing Their Job

Salespeople Turnover Is Too High

Not Enough Returning Customers

Marketing Is Not Converting

Benefits BDC Departments

How you will benefit?

Book More Appointments

Have more phone calls answered, more positive conversations and more appointments booked all with the same amount of opportunities.

Performance Management

Track employees' daily work, goals and measure success every step along the way.

Increase Productivity

Have a clear overview of what needs to be done, strike while the iron is hot to make sure the right things are being done and automate the rest.

Personal Virtual Sales Assistant

Flooded with so many leads, always have a clear focus on what to do next to make sure no lead is left behind.

Perfect Your Craft

Have access to scripts and templates to help you make each conversation as effective as possible.

Synchronized Departments

Work as a team with your clients and make sure turnover is smooth for the dealer and seamless for the customer.

Features for BDC Departments

How we solve the problem...

Automatic Lead Follow-Up Sequences

The Sales Engagement Platform makes sure that no leads are gone to waste, and no customers are forgotten. With the click of a button, instantly follow-up with personalized messaging to save salespeople the headache of what to say or do next.

To-Do Lists Using Artificial Intelligence

Always keep salespeople busy with the right tasks that will help sell more vehicles. Each salesperson will have daily insights of what to do, when to do it and what to say for the best possible customer interaction, each time.

Sales Team Collaberation

A more productive way to stay in sync with everyone in your operation. Share ideas, make decisions and move work forward with a common purpose and place.

What are you waiting for?

See how you can sell more vehicles & reduce expenses today!

guides for BDC Departments

Resources to help
you profit more

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